Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10th -- No more biking for this girl...

First stop: Centraal Station meeting point (before departing to Haarlem)

Second stop: Koepel Prison in Haarlem
This prison is one of few in the Netherlands that is shaped like a dome (for a reason I do not recall). It is a holding facility for those awaiting trial and could be seen as being "cozy" or "fun" compared to what we know of American prisons. The prisoners here are allowed out of their cells except for 9:00pm-8:00am and 12:00pm-12:30pm, they have private rooms and bathrooms, and have their own TVs and radios. They don't wear cuffs and can wear whatever clothes they chose (even belts). The guards said this was "strict" compared to jails here...I'm thinking things must be different for long-term stay prisons?

Third stop: Street vendor for poffertjes
Poffertjes are mini, poofed-out pancakes that are amazing! I had mine covered in powdered sugar & butter and I couldn't have asked for anything more delicious :)

Fourth stop: Funenpark (coffee on the way I must not forget)

Fifth stop: Grocery store
We (Lisa, Kayla, and I) borrowed other people's bikes to go to the grocery store...That was about enough of an experience on the bikes as I can handle. It is nerve-racking and though I am happy I tried it, I cannot compete with the Dutch bicyclists. They go way too fast and get way too close for me not to kill myself trying to keep up and blend in.

Sixth stop: Rooftop for Anu's birthday
We surprised Anu with balloons and a round of the "Happy Birthday" song. Lily had made her dinner and bought her a personal dessert. What a good roommate and friend!


Koepel Prison in Haarlem
Koepel Prison in Haarlem


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