Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 9th -- We still do some things the American way

First stop: Coffee Company

Second stop: Lecture
Our lecturer was from UC Santa Cruz where he is a professor. Because he had studied Amsterdam culture time and time again, we got an American's take on drug policy and legal sex work here.

Third stop: Post office
When shipping stuff back to the U.S., if I were to go over 5kg of stuff but under 10kg, I would have to pay the price for 10kg. So...I chose to go back to the dorms and get more stuff to ship home. If I was going to pay the price, I was going to get the most out of it! Plus, it means a lighter suitcase I have to lug around the airport on the way home :)

Fourth stop: Burgers & Fries
The burger I had for lunch was very different than what I am accustomed to with spices I am unfamiliar with on it and no buns but a pita holding the meat. It was tasty.

Fifth stop: Funenpark dorms
On the way back to the dorms, Carolina and I decided to be crazy and try having me ride on the back of her bike all the way from school (about a 15 minute bike ride through the city). Though the Dutch girls (riding on the back of bikes with both legs to one side) make this look easy, it in no way can be done successfully and painlessly by two American girls. So, we tried it a more American way: one leg on each side of the back wheel of the bike, and me hanging on for dear life. In no way were my inner thighs happy about this "great idea".

Sixth stop: Back at the Post Office

Seventh stop: Grocery store

Back at the dorms and sore from the biking adventure...Now I just need to experience actually riding a bike!

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