Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 11th -- All passed out

First stop: Starbucks in Centraal Station
It tastes so good and they actually know how to make a hot white chocolate mocha with whipped cream and caramel drizzle on top <3

Second stop: International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
At the ICTY in Den Haag (The Hague), we got to watch some of Ratko Mladic's trial. To think that Mladic (former Bosnian Serb military commander) was just a clear, glass wall away from our class as we watched his defense attorney try to claim Mladic's innocence on the 11 charges he faces of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against makes your stomach do flips.

Third stop: Lunch at the PsyQ (a psychiatric facility for drug addicts that we also had our lecture on drugs at)

Fourth stop: Drug information lecture
Though some of the statistics were somewhat interesting, the lecturer read off his slides directly, not making it very easy to stay attentive. Natalie, Mariah, Johnson, Lily, PROFESSOR BECKETT :), and many more tried their best to stay awake but were soon too bored to fight their heavy eyelids.

Needless to say, everyone couldn't wait to get back to Centraal Station to get on with their day. I took the time to nap as I had not fallen asleep during lecture.

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