Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 7th -- Coffee & Research

First stop: Vapiano outside of library (wanted a smoothie before cracking down on studying)

Second stop: Library near Centraal Station
We (Kayla and I) didn't stay too long at the library because you had to go through too long of a process to register to use the library's internet, and we also could not bring our just bought smoothies inside the library. Instead, we chose to go to Coffee Company for studying.

Third stop: Coffee Company

Fourth stop: Post office
When trying to receive a package from home, I was told by the post office (one of five in the whole country!) that I would have to wait outside the dorms until the postman came in order to track him down to receive my package...What a hassle!

Fifth stop: McDonald's
I went to McDonald's to use the wifi so I could find out when my package might be delivered. When ordering, you can do it on a screen and then wait for your order number to show up on another screen to know that it is ready. This may well be because of how popular McDonald's is in Amsterdam. It is so popular, that the McDonald's I went to had two stories of seating!

When ordering a small fry and vanilla milkshake, I was surprised that it all tasted the same as McDonald's food in the states.

Sixth stop: New York Pizza to-go for dinner so as to try and beat the postman to the dorms

Once at the dorms, we caught the postman right as he was leaving with the package I had been waiting for. What a relief that it came and I got it before leaving Amsterdam!

PICTURES TAKEN 7.7.12 (View from a window of the Coffee Company by school)

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