Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 6th -- Lost in directions

First stop: Coffee at Cafe Noir

Second stop: Meeting location
For our lecture/excursion today, we were told to meet at a tabak (tabacco) shop by the Metro station Weesperplein entrance. Once there, our professors and lecturer were to lead us onto the train we were to take for today's lesson. Somehow, they got different instructions from the University of Amsterdam and we had to try to communicate over phone where we were in order to find them. Once we were finally getting on the train, David and Anica got left behind when the train doors closed too quickly for them to get on. Luckily, Anica had a phone and was able to reach Professor Herbert to find out what stop her and David would need to get off at to meet us.

Third stop: Lecture/excursion of the Bijlmermeer neighborhood (what is considered to be the "Ghetto" of Amsterdam)

Fourth stop: Tjin's (Surinamese food)
I had two sandwiches of some sort, the first consisting of some kind of fish and the second consisting of some kind of meat. I preferred the meat sandwich over the fish, though I wasn't too fond of either sandwich. Atleast I was open to trying both...

Fifth stop: Lecture
Back at the University of Amsterdam, we had one last lecture planned for the day. The lecturer more of answered any questions (or attacks on his view) we had. The lecturer was a representative of the Dutch political party that calls themselves the CDA, the "Christian Democrats" of politics. Very hypocritical and stuck in his ways, I did not care to hear his opinion or take on Dutch policies. I know he is a politician and so he believes his way is the right way, but he was not very open to debate or critiques and could be offensive at times, to us students as individuals, as well as Americans and their "ways" was a whole. We were all a little fired up and on edge after that interesting lecture!

Sixth stop: Coffee Company

Once back at the dorms, Lisa, Kayla, and I unraveled with making a schedule of all we still want to do while here in Amsterdam. There really is so much we want to do in so little time. Especially, on top of all the research we have to do!


Prison in Amsterdam (many more of this same
kind of building surrounding this one, but are
not pictured, make up the prison)


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