Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 4th -- Celebrating our history in Amsterdam

First stop: Coffee Company
You need coffee when you have class on the 4th of July!!

Second stop: Small group meeting
To discuss our research topic of prostitution, Andrea and I met with Professor Beckett for a half hour at the Atrium (University of Amsterdam cafeteria).

Third stop: Kitchen in the Baarsjes neighborhood
Before our lecture/excursion through the Baarsjes neighborhood, our lecturer made us meatballs to eat with bread and butter in what appeared to be his own restaurant/kitchen. It wasn't much of a lunch but would hold me over until dinner. During "lunch", a local police officer spoke to us and answered any research questions we had.

Fourth stop: Walking tour of the Baarsjes neighborhood
Our tour was random and non-informative but we all got a kick out of it as our tour guide explained why certain planters and garbages were in the place they were put in. Odd but quite entertaining at times...

Fifth stop: A community center of sorts (?)
To our surprise, a local police officer had set up for us to have pancakes at a local community center. The pancakes are different then what I am accustomed to eating, much thinner. However, they still hit the spot after our light lunch.

Sixth stop: Albert Heijn (grocery store chain)
For our bbq tonight on the rooftop of the dorms (in celebration of the 4th), Kayla and I bought chips, as well as other groceries needed for ourselves.

Once back at the dorms, we had our 4th of July bbq with fun Independence Day facts, American music, food, dessert (icecream, blueberries, & strawberries on Dutch waffles), and sparklers. It was our American celebration with a slight Dutch twist on things.



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