Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 28th -- A Backwards Spin on Things

First stop: Coffee Company
Some of us have found a coffee store chain that we can most closely relate to what we are familiar, Starbucks or Tulles.

Second stop: Centraal Station
The whole class was to meet at Centraal Station before walking to the "coffeeshop" we would be touring. While waiting, we witnessed a European flash mob made up of young kids. I had never witnessed one of these productions before besides on TV.

Third stop: Coffeeshop Siberie
Our class got to hear from one of the coffeeshop owners in Amsterdam, owning some of the most successful and oldest coffeeshops in the country. It was very interesting to learn more about the "tolerance" of cannabis and what is seen from the "front door" versus the "back door".

Marijuana is not legal in the Netherlands but tolerated and the police look the other way (the Christian Democrats in Parliament are currently trying to change that). Wanting to be involved in law as a career someday, Dutch policies seem so backwards to me! When checking up on the coffeeshops, the police do not take away supply under a certain amount. However, the coffeeshops can not buy the weed they supply to customers and would incriminate themselves if they spoke of this or of their supplier with the police. None of this is logical so it amazes me that this system has worked and been implemented for so long.

On my way back to the dorms, I stopped by the post office to see the rates for sending stuff back home that won't fit in my luggage, as well as the store for more groceries (did mistaken paper towels for toilet paper...oops!) I will have to go back to the store shortly anyways because when doing my laundry, an unimaginable amount of lint chose to stick to most of my darks :/ I may need some heavy duty tape...


I don't think that the clogs worn here are this big...

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