Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 14th -- Windows all around

An apology that my entries are getting shorter as it gets closer to the end of the trip and the end of my field research here in Amsterdam.

First stop: Starbucks (what would I do in a country with no access to coffee?!)

Second stop: Prostitution Information Center
Hoping to talk to the owner of the PIC before our tour at 5pm of the Red Light District, Andrea and I left Funenpark at 11:30am. Unfortunately, it was closed...and pouring down rain!

Third stop: Funenpark dorms (nap time for me)

Fourth stop: Back at the PIC for our tour
Our tour was led by the PIC owner, a former sex worker herself. She shed a light on how she views the policing done in the RLD as well as all the various health organizations. On many and most things, she tended to share the same opinions that Officers Raymond and Richard had shared with Andrea and I the night before. With all this great insight, it's about time we got working on our presentations for Friday!

Fifth stop: Grand Cafe Mynt
It was a much relaxing end to a busy two days of field work with Kayla, Carolina, Anu, Andrea, and Lisa at Grand Cafe Mynt next to Dam Square.


Statue in respect of sex workers around the
world (put in place by the owner of the PIC)

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