Friday, July 20, 2012

July 20th -- Presentations galore

First stop: School for 6 and a half hours of presentations (one hour break for lunch)

Second stop: Dam Square
Kayla, Lisa, and I walked around Dam and looked at some stores before having to head off to dinner

Third stop: Departing dinner at Kantjil en de Tijger (Indonesian food)

This was such a great opportunity and though I am excited to be going home tomorrow, I will miss this place dearly. It has been my home for the last month and I will hold onto the memories made here in Amsterdam forever...


Last classroom we were in (where the Dutch East India
Company once did business)

In much need of coffee after all the presentations

Working on evaluations for the class

Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 19th -- Stupid taxi services!

First stop: Starbucks

Second stop: Vapiano for dinner

Once back at the dorms, Andrea and I put the final touches on our presentations, I was charged on my travel card for a $100 worth of taxi services that were from Kayla and I trying to reserve a taxi online and it not accepting my card (apparently it did...and twice!), and I packed my newly cleaned clothes. A stressful end to a not too bad day...

July 18th -- Hot chocolate??

First stop: Library Cafe
Kayla and I decided that it would be too loud there to get any real work done...

Second stop: Starbucks
A new Starbucks next to the library was now open so we decided to check it out. After telling the employees my order atleast four times, I took a drink out of my supposed white chocolate mocha. Turns out, it was a white hot chocolate. When telling the employee who made my drink what I had wanted, she insisted on re-making me the correct drink. She poured out the white hot chocolate and...made me the same drink! I told the white lie that it was "great!" and stuck with drinking it instead of looking like a snobby American. Luckily, it wasn't half bad! Just not the morning wake up I was looking for...

Third stop: Funenpark dorms for more work on research (and some sleeping)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 17th -- Time with Family

First stop: Starbucks

Second stop: Healthcare Clinic
Andrea and I went to the clinic to see if a social worker would be willing to answer some of our questions on the health side of our research in prostitution. Unfortunately for us, no one was available and we will have to try again very soon because our last day open for research is Thursday!

Third stop: Bagel shop

Fourth stop: Funenpark dorms

Fifth stop: Centraal Station to meet up with my aunt and uncle, Kyle & Hallie Parker, for dinner

Sixth stop: Sara's Pancake House (guess who had poffertjes! :))

Before parting ways Lisa, Kayla, and I gave Kyle and Hallie a tour of the Red Light District because they had yet to see it and were leaving for Germany the next day. It was great getting to see them and I can't wait to hear more about their 2mo. trip around Europe once they get back to the states in August.

Seventh stop: Starbucks before heading back to the dorms for the night


Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16th -- So much to learn from Anne Frank

First stop: Starbucks

Second stop: Anne Frank House
It was well-worth the hour and a half wait to get into the Anne Frank house. It was very real with it being Anne's actual hideout with parts of the house still intact. I haven't read her diary yet, but plan on diving into it on the long, plane ride home. What a moving story and a strong, young girl. I am so blessed and plan to share this eye opening story with my sister Tia in hopes that she sees all she has and all she can be and do in life. I pray that she (and the rest of my siblings for that matter) never fear anything or anyone but God's wrath alone.

July 15th -- Nothin but chores

It was a day for chores: laundry, dishes, and packing what I don't need for my last week here. 5 more days, tomorrow, until leaving for home and so much to get done!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 14th -- Windows all around

An apology that my entries are getting shorter as it gets closer to the end of the trip and the end of my field research here in Amsterdam.

First stop: Starbucks (what would I do in a country with no access to coffee?!)

Second stop: Prostitution Information Center
Hoping to talk to the owner of the PIC before our tour at 5pm of the Red Light District, Andrea and I left Funenpark at 11:30am. Unfortunately, it was closed...and pouring down rain!

Third stop: Funenpark dorms (nap time for me)

Fourth stop: Back at the PIC for our tour
Our tour was led by the PIC owner, a former sex worker herself. She shed a light on how she views the policing done in the RLD as well as all the various health organizations. On many and most things, she tended to share the same opinions that Officers Raymond and Richard had shared with Andrea and I the night before. With all this great insight, it's about time we got working on our presentations for Friday!

Fifth stop: Grand Cafe Mynt
It was a much relaxing end to a busy two days of field work with Kayla, Carolina, Anu, Andrea, and Lisa at Grand Cafe Mynt next to Dam Square.


Statue in respect of sex workers around the
world (put in place by the owner of the PIC)

July 13th -- Seeing it first hand

First stop: Starbucks at Centraal Station
Before heading off to meet with two Red Light District policemen for an interview about prostitution, Andrea and I had coffee and sat in Centraal Station while going over the questions we wanted to ask.

Second stop: Red Light District police station
Though I will not go into great detail here about what I learned in regards to my research (energy better spent on writing my research paper), the police officers were so helpful with answering questions and even creating a powerpoint. We weren't ready to go when before our eyes, Officers Raymond and Richard had to help restrain a man as he was escorted into a police van. He had gotten into a disagreement with a sex worker and by the profanity coming from his mouth...he no longer liked her.

A little excited yet overwhelmed, Andrea and I talked the whole way home about the events of the night. It was a great opportunity that will most definitely do a lot for my research paper.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 12th -- And...done!

First stop: Small group meeting with Andrea and Professor Beckett
Being our last day of going to class, meetings, or lecture besides next Friday's research presentations, Andrea and I discussed with Beckett our research plans for the rest of our time here in Holland.

Second stop: Coffee Company

Third stop: Lunch and some studying with Kayla back at school

Fourth stop: Canal cruise (seen it, been there)
When waiting to start our canal cruise at 7:45pm, Emily, Lisa, Kayla, and I went to some stores, and got coffee, poffertjes, and fries.

Though the cruise was fun and relaxing, we saved it for too late in our trip and had already seen it all. Atleast we still enjoyed eachother's company!

We are all so happy we don't have to wake up and go to classes in the mornings our last week here. Lucky for me though, I have realized and understand that I need to use this time wisely (for research purposes).


July 11th -- All passed out

First stop: Starbucks in Centraal Station
It tastes so good and they actually know how to make a hot white chocolate mocha with whipped cream and caramel drizzle on top <3

Second stop: International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
At the ICTY in Den Haag (The Hague), we got to watch some of Ratko Mladic's trial. To think that Mladic (former Bosnian Serb military commander) was just a clear, glass wall away from our class as we watched his defense attorney try to claim Mladic's innocence on the 11 charges he faces of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against makes your stomach do flips.

Third stop: Lunch at the PsyQ (a psychiatric facility for drug addicts that we also had our lecture on drugs at)

Fourth stop: Drug information lecture
Though some of the statistics were somewhat interesting, the lecturer read off his slides directly, not making it very easy to stay attentive. Natalie, Mariah, Johnson, Lily, PROFESSOR BECKETT :), and many more tried their best to stay awake but were soon too bored to fight their heavy eyelids.

Needless to say, everyone couldn't wait to get back to Centraal Station to get on with their day. I took the time to nap as I had not fallen asleep during lecture.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10th -- No more biking for this girl...

First stop: Centraal Station meeting point (before departing to Haarlem)

Second stop: Koepel Prison in Haarlem
This prison is one of few in the Netherlands that is shaped like a dome (for a reason I do not recall). It is a holding facility for those awaiting trial and could be seen as being "cozy" or "fun" compared to what we know of American prisons. The prisoners here are allowed out of their cells except for 9:00pm-8:00am and 12:00pm-12:30pm, they have private rooms and bathrooms, and have their own TVs and radios. They don't wear cuffs and can wear whatever clothes they chose (even belts). The guards said this was "strict" compared to jails here...I'm thinking things must be different for long-term stay prisons?

Third stop: Street vendor for poffertjes
Poffertjes are mini, poofed-out pancakes that are amazing! I had mine covered in powdered sugar & butter and I couldn't have asked for anything more delicious :)

Fourth stop: Funenpark (coffee on the way I must not forget)

Fifth stop: Grocery store
We (Lisa, Kayla, and I) borrowed other people's bikes to go to the grocery store...That was about enough of an experience on the bikes as I can handle. It is nerve-racking and though I am happy I tried it, I cannot compete with the Dutch bicyclists. They go way too fast and get way too close for me not to kill myself trying to keep up and blend in.

Sixth stop: Rooftop for Anu's birthday
We surprised Anu with balloons and a round of the "Happy Birthday" song. Lily had made her dinner and bought her a personal dessert. What a good roommate and friend!


Koepel Prison in Haarlem
Koepel Prison in Haarlem


July 9th -- We still do some things the American way

First stop: Coffee Company

Second stop: Lecture
Our lecturer was from UC Santa Cruz where he is a professor. Because he had studied Amsterdam culture time and time again, we got an American's take on drug policy and legal sex work here.

Third stop: Post office
When shipping stuff back to the U.S., if I were to go over 5kg of stuff but under 10kg, I would have to pay the price for 10kg. So...I chose to go back to the dorms and get more stuff to ship home. If I was going to pay the price, I was going to get the most out of it! Plus, it means a lighter suitcase I have to lug around the airport on the way home :)

Fourth stop: Burgers & Fries
The burger I had for lunch was very different than what I am accustomed to with spices I am unfamiliar with on it and no buns but a pita holding the meat. It was tasty.

Fifth stop: Funenpark dorms
On the way back to the dorms, Carolina and I decided to be crazy and try having me ride on the back of her bike all the way from school (about a 15 minute bike ride through the city). Though the Dutch girls (riding on the back of bikes with both legs to one side) make this look easy, it in no way can be done successfully and painlessly by two American girls. So, we tried it a more American way: one leg on each side of the back wheel of the bike, and me hanging on for dear life. In no way were my inner thighs happy about this "great idea".

Sixth stop: Back at the Post Office

Seventh stop: Grocery store

Back at the dorms and sore from the biking adventure...Now I just need to experience actually riding a bike!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 8th -- Feels like Seattle...

And we are back to pouring had to happen again sometime since the last time it really rained here was the first day we were here.

First stop: Coffee Company
Spent the day drinking coffee and working on our research (Kayla, Lisa, and I), safe and warm inside. We go there so often that I'm a regular! A worker there knows my order by heart :)

Second stop: Subway
The Subway close to where we have class always smells so good so we decided to try it for dinner today. It was about just as good as the Subways I've gone to in the U.S., if not better than some of them.

I made a lot of progress today in my researching and once we got back to the dorms, it was time for laundry.

July 7th -- Coffee & Research

First stop: Vapiano outside of library (wanted a smoothie before cracking down on studying)

Second stop: Library near Centraal Station
We (Kayla and I) didn't stay too long at the library because you had to go through too long of a process to register to use the library's internet, and we also could not bring our just bought smoothies inside the library. Instead, we chose to go to Coffee Company for studying.

Third stop: Coffee Company

Fourth stop: Post office
When trying to receive a package from home, I was told by the post office (one of five in the whole country!) that I would have to wait outside the dorms until the postman came in order to track him down to receive my package...What a hassle!

Fifth stop: McDonald's
I went to McDonald's to use the wifi so I could find out when my package might be delivered. When ordering, you can do it on a screen and then wait for your order number to show up on another screen to know that it is ready. This may well be because of how popular McDonald's is in Amsterdam. It is so popular, that the McDonald's I went to had two stories of seating!

When ordering a small fry and vanilla milkshake, I was surprised that it all tasted the same as McDonald's food in the states.

Sixth stop: New York Pizza to-go for dinner so as to try and beat the postman to the dorms

Once at the dorms, we caught the postman right as he was leaving with the package I had been waiting for. What a relief that it came and I got it before leaving Amsterdam!

PICTURES TAKEN 7.7.12 (View from a window of the Coffee Company by school)

July 6th -- Lost in directions

First stop: Coffee at Cafe Noir

Second stop: Meeting location
For our lecture/excursion today, we were told to meet at a tabak (tabacco) shop by the Metro station Weesperplein entrance. Once there, our professors and lecturer were to lead us onto the train we were to take for today's lesson. Somehow, they got different instructions from the University of Amsterdam and we had to try to communicate over phone where we were in order to find them. Once we were finally getting on the train, David and Anica got left behind when the train doors closed too quickly for them to get on. Luckily, Anica had a phone and was able to reach Professor Herbert to find out what stop her and David would need to get off at to meet us.

Third stop: Lecture/excursion of the Bijlmermeer neighborhood (what is considered to be the "Ghetto" of Amsterdam)

Fourth stop: Tjin's (Surinamese food)
I had two sandwiches of some sort, the first consisting of some kind of fish and the second consisting of some kind of meat. I preferred the meat sandwich over the fish, though I wasn't too fond of either sandwich. Atleast I was open to trying both...

Fifth stop: Lecture
Back at the University of Amsterdam, we had one last lecture planned for the day. The lecturer more of answered any questions (or attacks on his view) we had. The lecturer was a representative of the Dutch political party that calls themselves the CDA, the "Christian Democrats" of politics. Very hypocritical and stuck in his ways, I did not care to hear his opinion or take on Dutch policies. I know he is a politician and so he believes his way is the right way, but he was not very open to debate or critiques and could be offensive at times, to us students as individuals, as well as Americans and their "ways" was a whole. We were all a little fired up and on edge after that interesting lecture!

Sixth stop: Coffee Company

Once back at the dorms, Lisa, Kayla, and I unraveled with making a schedule of all we still want to do while here in Amsterdam. There really is so much we want to do in so little time. Especially, on top of all the research we have to do!


Prison in Amsterdam (many more of this same
kind of building surrounding this one, but are
not pictured, make up the prison)


July 5th -- Too tired to learn

First stop: Coffee Company

Second stop: Lecture with information on the Dutch Council for Refugees

Third stop: Cafeteria lunch

Fourth stop: Second lecture of the day on the Dutch political parties and how they function

With a long day of being in classes, I took a very long nap once back at the dorms and woke up to only watch TV and lay in bed. Everyone needs the occasional lazy day and this was mine...

PICTURES TAKEN 7.5.12 (View from Funenpark dorm)

July 4th -- Celebrating our history in Amsterdam

First stop: Coffee Company
You need coffee when you have class on the 4th of July!!

Second stop: Small group meeting
To discuss our research topic of prostitution, Andrea and I met with Professor Beckett for a half hour at the Atrium (University of Amsterdam cafeteria).

Third stop: Kitchen in the Baarsjes neighborhood
Before our lecture/excursion through the Baarsjes neighborhood, our lecturer made us meatballs to eat with bread and butter in what appeared to be his own restaurant/kitchen. It wasn't much of a lunch but would hold me over until dinner. During "lunch", a local police officer spoke to us and answered any research questions we had.

Fourth stop: Walking tour of the Baarsjes neighborhood
Our tour was random and non-informative but we all got a kick out of it as our tour guide explained why certain planters and garbages were in the place they were put in. Odd but quite entertaining at times...

Fifth stop: A community center of sorts (?)
To our surprise, a local police officer had set up for us to have pancakes at a local community center. The pancakes are different then what I am accustomed to eating, much thinner. However, they still hit the spot after our light lunch.

Sixth stop: Albert Heijn (grocery store chain)
For our bbq tonight on the rooftop of the dorms (in celebration of the 4th), Kayla and I bought chips, as well as other groceries needed for ourselves.

Once back at the dorms, we had our 4th of July bbq with fun Independence Day facts, American music, food, dessert (icecream, blueberries, & strawberries on Dutch waffles), and sparklers. It was our American celebration with a slight Dutch twist on things.



Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 3rd -- Busy bees

On the way to class, I brushed up against a plant that did not feel too well. A few minutes later, some itchy and stinging welts appeared on my hand. Luckily, they went away a short while later though I'm still curious as to what kind of plant it was that I touched.

First stop: Lecture
Our first lecture of the day was focused on the subject of squatting as well as on a biography of a Dutch member of a prison gang that our lecturer had written. It was all so interesting and before this lecture, I did not know what it meant to "squat" a house.

Second stop: Cafeteria lunch

Third stop: Lecture
Our second lecture was more of a question and answer session with a community police officer of the Red Light District. I was shocked at how focused on building connections with society and on the idea of community that the police officer was. There is an obvious difference between how this police officer sees his job and how the Seattle police interact with the people.

After this last lecture of the day, we were given our assignments for the course of our time here at Amsterdam. I have a lot to do these last two weeks...

Monday, July 2, 2012

July 2nd -- All over the map

Discovering the night before that class today was to be somewhere new to us, we (Lisa, Johnson, Kayla, and I) did not look forward to our trip to lecture we had to set out on at 9am. To our surprise, we found our way quite easily (with time to get coffee I might add) and were the first ones to make it to class and early as an extra bonus :)

First stop: Lecture on the Netherlands' criminal justice system

Second stop: Cafeteria Lunch
Kayla made me try a piece of her smoked salmon today at lunch. It was good though I think I would enjoy it better cooked some other way. I wasn't too fond of the smokey after-taste.

Third stop: Rijksmuseum and Van Gogh Museum
With the handy "Museumkaart", I can get into any museum in Amsterdam for free and without waiting in line for a ticket. Today, I visited Rijksmuseum where there were a lot of paintings by the famous Rembrandt, as well as the Van Gogh museum. The Van Gogh museum obviously had many Van Gogh pieces, but also had various artists' work that had personally inspired Van Gogh.

Fourth stop: "Canal bike"
When walking from the museums in the direction of Centraal Station, I spotted a paddle boat on the canal. At once, Kayla, Lisa, and I decided we must try using one on the canals! For 7 euro a piece, we got a paddle boat for an hour. As we made our way through the canals, we took a wrong turn somewhere and were told by angry Dutch boat owners that we had entered waters where "canal bikes" were prohibited. We eventually found our way to a destination where we could drop off the small boat just before our hour was up. Though we stressed the whole way trying to find our way back to where we were permitted, the view of the city from the canals was beautiful and it was an adventure I will remember forever.

Fifth stop: Cheese shop
For just over 6 euro, I bought a goat cheese covered in pesto! It is very tasty and will make a good snack on crackers for the days to come.

Sixth stop: Coffee Company (again! :))

Seventh stop: Centraal Station
When needing to go to the bathroom at the train station, there is one bathroom for guys and girls (girls on one side of course while guys are on the other). Though this was new to me, I was more amazed by the fact that it costs .50 euro to use the restroom! What?! This is beyond strange! Is it not?!

Still bewildered by the bathroom situation, we made our way back to the dorms to finally kick off our shoes and get to...reading for class tomorrow morning :/ Oh the joys of going to school in the summertime...


Posh Spice, Baby Spice, & Sporty Spice for the day :)



Icecream boat?